
Linkedin | projects and works | (Resume)

Ongoing | Completed | Experiments

These are the projects I'm currently working on.
Teammates Teammate's goals Star Pelt
I consider these projects completed and it is unlikely that I will continue working on them.
Network Intrusion Detection System Competitve Elevator (APK) Competitive elevator Screenshot Myo Space Shooter Myo Space Shooter Screenshot GRPG
MeL pentesting MeL with snowstorm The King's Hand The King's Hand Poster Who Knows Who Knows Little Strike Little Strike Poster
Mini CTF ctf image Petals around the rose Simple Petals Around the Rose image Calculator SNAP Calculator SNAP image Indian Poker Indian Poker image
Call it experiments or abandoned projects, they were very helpful and I certainly learned from them. These projects are pushed aside and are not currently being worked on, though if my interest strikes I may pick them up again.
PoxBrain A screenshot of poxbrain back when it was running Queens A screenshot of the queens game Name TBD A screenshot of the game